The Best AI Cold Email Writer

Meet the best cold email writing assistant that's powered by ChatGPT and Clay, then build it for yourself with our step-by-step tutorial.

Step-by-step: Build your own multi-prompt cold email writer

Following along with this tutorial and use Clay + ChatGPT to build your very own AI-powered cold email writer (beginner friendly).

Transform Your Outreach with ClayMBA's AI Cold Email Writer: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Problem with Existing AI Cold Email Writers

Cold emailing is an essential part of outreach for many professionals, whether you're in sales, marketing, or job hunting. The idea of having these emails written by AI sounds like a dream come true – until you actually try it. Despite the advances in AI technology, existing AI cold email writers often fall short in several critical areas.

Common Issues with Existing AI Cold Email Writers

1. Generic Emails:

   Many AI tools generate emails that lack the personalization and uniqueness necessary to stand out in a crowded inbox. These emails often come across as formulaic and impersonal, failing to make a genuine connection with the recipient. The result? Low engagement and response rates.

2. Lack of Context:

   AI-generated emails can miss the mark when it comes to context. They might not fully understand the nuances of the recipient’s industry, role, or specific pain points. This leads to messages that feel out of touch or irrelevant, reducing the likelihood of a positive response.

3. Awkward Phrasing:

   Despite improvements in natural language processing, many AI tools still produce emails with awkward or stilted phrasing. These emails can be easily spotted as machine-generated, which can diminish their effectiveness and lead to them being ignored or even marked as spam.

4. Low Response Rates:

   Due to the issues mentioned above, AI-written cold emails often suffer from low response rates. Recipients are bombarded with emails daily, and only those that truly resonate with them stand a chance of getting a reply. Generic, context-less, and awkward emails simply don't make the cut.

User Frustrations

For professionals relying on cold emailing as a key part of their strategy, these shortcomings can be incredibly frustrating. Time and resources are invested in acquiring leads and crafting outreach strategies, only to have AI tools produce subpar emails that don't yield results. Users are left staring at blank screens, reworking AI-generated content, or worse, sending out ineffective emails that could harm their reputation.

Why Jax’s Prompt is Different

This is where Jax’s AI cold email writer comes into play. Unlike other tools, Jax’s prompt is designed to create emails that even the busiest prospects can’t help but reply to. The secret lies in the finely-tuned prompt that Jax has developed, which combines a deep understanding of the target audience with a natural, engaging writing style.

By addressing the common issues with existing AI tools, Jax’s prompt offers a solution that is not only effective but also easy to implement. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just getting started with cold emailing, Jax’s AI cold email writer can help you achieve better results with less effort.

Introducing Jax's AI Cold Email Writer

Who is this Jax guy?

Jax is a seasoned professional with a deep understanding of email marketing and AI technology. 

With years of experience in crafting effective cold emails and leveraging AI for various applications, Jax has developed a unique prompt that significantly enhances the quality and effectiveness of AI-generated emails. By combining his expertise in both domains, Jax has created a prompt that stands out in the crowded field of AI cold email writers.

Jax’s Prompt

The magic behind Jax’s AI cold email writer lies in the prompt he developed. This prompt has been fine-tuned through extensive testing and real-world application to ensure it produces emails that are not only engaging but also highly relevant to the recipient. The key components of Jax’s prompt include:

1. Personalization:

The prompt incorporates elements that allow for easy personalization, ensuring each email feels tailored to the individual recipient. This includes references to the recipient’s industry, role, and specific challenges they might be facing.

2. Contextual Understanding:

Jax’s prompt is designed to capture the context in which the email is being sent. It ensures that the generated content is relevant to the recipient's current situation and needs, making the email more compelling.

3. Natural Language:

The prompt uses natural language processing techniques to generate emails that read smoothly and naturally. This eliminates the awkward phrasing often found in AI-generated emails, making the emails more relatable and engaging.

4. Engaging Content:

The emails generated by Jax’s prompt are designed to capture the recipient’s interest and encourage them to respond. This is achieved through a mix of compelling subject lines, engaging opening statements, and clear, actionable calls to action.

LinkedIn Profile

For those interested in learning more about Jax and his innovative approach to AI cold email writing, you can check out his LinkedIn profile here. On his profile, Jax reg ularly shares insights and tips on email marketing and AI, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their outreach efforts.

Original Post

To understand the full context and inspiration behind Jax’s prompt, you can also read his original post on LinkedIn, linked below. In this post, Jax shares his journey in developing the prompt, the challenges he faced, and the success stories that followed. It’s a fascinating read for anyone interested in the intersection of AI and email marketing.

Read the LinkedIn post. 

By following Jax’s insights and utilizing his prompt, you can transform your cold email strategy and achieve better results with less effort. In the next section, we will walk you through the exact steps to build your own AI cold email writer using Clay and Jax’s prompt.

Section 3: How to Build Your Own AI Cold Email Writer

Step-by-Step Guide

Building your own AI cold email writer using Clay and Jax’s prompt is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Getting Started with Clay:

   - Sign Up for Clay: If you’re not already using Clay, you can sign up for a free account. Clay offers 3000 free credits, which is more than enough to get you started.


- Watch the video below for exact instructions: 

By following these steps, you can leverage the power of AI and Jax’s expert prompt to create cold emails that are personalized, contextually relevant, and highly engaging.

Section 4: Best Practices for Writing Cold Emails with AI

Creating effective cold emails with AI involves more than just setting up the tool and using a good prompt. Here are some best practices to ensure your emails achieve the best possible results:

Personalization Tips

  1. Use the Recipient’s Name: Always include the recipient's name in the greeting. This small touch can significantly increase the likelihood of your email being read.
  2. Reference Specific Details: Mention specific details about the recipient’s company, role, or recent achievements. This shows that you’ve done your homework and adds a personal touch to the email.
  3. Tailor the Message: Customize the content of the email to address the recipient’s specific needs or pain points. The more relevant your email, the more likely it is to resonate with the recipient.

Effective Subject Lines

Keep It Short and Sweet: Aim for subject lines that are brief but compelling. Ideally, they should be under 50 characters.
Create Curiosity: Craft subject lines that pique the recipient’s curiosity. Use phrases that mimic internal communication, like "Quick Question."
Highlight a Benefit: Focus on the benefit the recipient will gain from reading your email. For example, “Improving Your Team’s Efficiency” is more enticing than “Sales Tips.”

Call to Action

Be Clear and Direct: Clearly state what you want the recipient to do next. Whether it’s scheduling a call or replying to the email, make sure your call to action is unambiguous.
Low Friction: Keep the call to action simple, such as “Want me to send over more info?” This reduces any barriers to engagement and encourages a response.
Make It Easy: Reduce friction by making it as easy as possible for the recipient to take the desired action. Include direct links or simple instructions.

Section 5: Real-World Examples

Seeing is believing. Here are some examples of successful cold emails generated using Jax’s prompt:

Sample Email 1

Hi Lucas,

Music is powerful, but so is having the right funding partner.

Curious if your agency has hit the right notes when it comes to growth and expansion?

FDCGrowth specializes in flexible debt funding solutions designed to support the tempo of your business.

Open to a jam session on how we can turn your growth into a masterpiece?

Section 6: Benefits of Using an AI Cold Email Writer

Leveraging an AI cold email writer, particularly with Jax’s prompt, offers several significant benefits:

Time Savings

Manually writing cold emails is time-consuming. An AI tool can generate high-quality emails in seconds, freeing up your time for other important tasks. This efficiency allows you to focus on building relationships and closing deals rather than crafting each email from scratch.

Improved Response Rates

The combination of personalization, contextual relevance, and engaging content leads to higher response rates. By addressing the recipient’s specific needs and presenting a clear, compelling message, your emails are more likely to be opened and replied to.

Reduced Research Time

Crafting effective cold emails requires significant research to tailor messages to each recipient. An AI tool reduces this effort by providing well-structured, contextually relevant emails with minimal input. This saves time spent on gathering information and allows you to focus on other important tasks, streamlining your outreach process and increasing efficiency in your email campaigns.



In this blog, we’ve explored the common pitfalls of existing AI cold email writers and introduced Jax’s innovative prompt that addresses these issues. We’ve provided a step-by-step guide to building your own AI cold email writer using Clay and shared best practices for maximizing its effectiveness.

Next Steps

Now it’s your turn to experience the benefits of AI-driven cold email writing. Try out the tool using Jax’s prompt and see the difference it can make in your outreach efforts. Sign up for Clay, take advantage of the 3000 free credits, and start generating high-quality cold emails today.

Final Thoughts

AI technology is continually evolving, and the future of cold email writing looks promising. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements to the tool, and keep experimenting with different prompts to find what works best for your audience. With Jax’s AI cold email writer, you’re well on your way to more effective and efficient outreach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything You Need to Know About ClayMBA's AI Cold Email Writer

  • How does ClayMBA’s AI cold email writer differ from other AI email tools?

    ClayMBA's AI cold email writer uses a finely-tuned prompt to produce personalized, contextually relevant emails that read smoothly and naturally.

    The best part? You can build this for yourself and use it daily, for free.

    Unlike generic AI tools, Jax’s prompt incorporates specific details about the recipient’s industry and role, ensuring each email feels tailored. It also focuses on engaging content and clear calls to action, leading to higher response rates. 

    The tool is user-friendly, especially for Clay users, making it easy to implement and highly effective for cold email outreach.

  • How can I ensure my AI-generated cold emails are effective and not perceived as spam?

    To avoid spam, personalize your emails, craft compelling subject lines, and provide genuine value. Avoid spammy language and use a professional email address. Include a clear call to action and optimize your emails for mobile devices. Monitoring email metrics helps refine your strategy. Following these best practices ensures your AI-generated emails are engaging and well-received, reducing the likelihood of being marked as spam and increasing response rates.

  • What are the benefits of using an AI cold email writer for my outreach efforts?

    Using an AI cold email writer saves time, ensures consistent quality, and allows for personalization at scale. It improves response rates by crafting engaging, relevant emails and reduces the stress of manual email writing. Additionally, AI tools often include analytics features that provide valuable insights, helping you refine your strategy over time. Overall, AI cold email writers enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your outreach efforts, enabling you to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

  • What are the steps to set up Jax’s AI cold email writer using Clay?

    To set up Jax’s AI cold email writer using Clay, sign up for Clay and watch the video instructions. Create a new table, configure the AI settings, and input Jax’s prompt. Customize the prompt with relevant details about your target audience and context. Generate and review the emails to ensure they meet your standards. This straightforward process leverages Jax’s expertise and Clay’s capabilities to enhance your cold email outreach.

    If you don't want to build this yourself but want to copy the table instead, sign up for our mastermind.