Using keywords filters in Clay

Using formulas to write keyword filters in Clay


0:00 Hey everyone, I'm here so quick tutorial on using, um, formulas, keyword field, etc. Um, in general in this specific use case we're going to do on job titles, just because that is why it's someone request this. 0:16 This video is for Mark, uh, hey Mark, it was for you. So basically said okay I want to see, you know, umm, you want to set up a filter, we would say okay if you know job title contains this and that. 0:32 Then you know and then basically you just have all these different filters and it contains any of these 20 keywords then you know then that show them. 0:42 Easier way to do it is by saying let's add a formula. Where you say if title contains any of these keywords output through otherwise output files. 1:04 Here are the keywords that you can say chief marketing officer. Umm. Sales revenue uh found there something like that. I know I only have a couple CMOs in here. 1:20 So umm there's that. Then you generate that formula. You give it a second and then there we go. So then here you have your in your, pulses and then you can say okay then I can umm only if it equals true then show them and then you get your filter results right? 1:49 Or you can you know only sing them to a campaign if true,

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